Pesan Jenderal Sudirman : Indonesia Merdeka dan LURUS
Terletak di Jalan Sudirman Jakarta Pusat, diapit oleh 2 lajur cepat Three-In-One pada Kavling 1 Jalan Jend Sudirman paling terkenal di Indonesia (jalan dengan nama yang sama terdapat di banyak kota di Indonesia), Patung dari Jenderal legendaris kemerdekaan Indonesia : Pahlawan Nasional Jenderal Sudirman.
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Photo was taken on late afternoon Sat, 21 June 2014 |
Berdiri tegap dalam sikap menghormat secara militer, menghadap utara, arah pusat pemerintahan Indonesia, Istana Negara di Kawasan Merdeka. Patung setinggi kurang lebih 5 meter tersebut berdiri kokoh seolah-olah hendak berkata "hendaklah penyelenggara negara tercinta Indonesia lurus seperti jalan di kiri kanan saya ini".
Pada masa kampanye presiden Indonesia yang damai tahun 2014 ini, antara kandidat pasangan Prabowo Subianto & Hatta Rajasa melawan kandidat Joko Widodo & Jusuf Kalla, patung Jenderal Sudirman seolah-olah hidup, datang dari masa lalu dari masa Indonesia baru merdeka saat Pak Dirman (alm) in charge sebagai Panglima Tentara Rakyat Indonesia yang melawan Belanda yang ingin melenyapkan negara baru berdiri Indonesia.
The statue's location is on Jendral Sudirman street Jakarta just between two main lanes of the street at an address of block #1. Sudirman Street is famous street name since many streets in many Indonesia cities using the name Sudirman.
Sudirman was an Indonesian military leader at the early years of this big nation establishment in 1940s. He had been then called "general" even though factually he was just an ordinary soldier, since at the early years of Indonesia nation formation, military forces had not gather and formed as it is in terms of organization and one commando, but were sporadically organized by different separated struggling para military groups. But as it were progressing, the groups then developed connection each others and formed a relatively organized military campaign under one commando, it was under "general Sudirman" and the new-born military forces called Indonesia People Army.
In this hot moment of presidential election campaign 2014, between only two rivalry candidates Prabowo-Hatta versus Jokowi-Kalla, the general statue seems as if it resurrects from the past and tells a message "let the new Indonesia president administration be as straight as this two lanes street after my name here".
June, 2014
The statue's location is on Jendral Sudirman street Jakarta just between two main lanes of the street at an address of block #1. Sudirman Street is famous street name since many streets in many Indonesia cities using the name Sudirman.
Sudirman was an Indonesian military leader at the early years of this big nation establishment in 1940s. He had been then called "general" even though factually he was just an ordinary soldier, since at the early years of Indonesia nation formation, military forces had not gather and formed as it is in terms of organization and one commando, but were sporadically organized by different separated struggling para military groups. But as it were progressing, the groups then developed connection each others and formed a relatively organized military campaign under one commando, it was under "general Sudirman" and the new-born military forces called Indonesia People Army.
In this hot moment of presidential election campaign 2014, between only two rivalry candidates Prabowo-Hatta versus Jokowi-Kalla, the general statue seems as if it resurrects from the past and tells a message "let the new Indonesia president administration be as straight as this two lanes street after my name here".
June, 2014
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